PTSC Staff Spotlight: Wind Huang
This is the third instalment as we follow our PTSC colleagues and explore their journey with the company over time. In this article we focus on Wind Huang who returned to PTSC after working with a gaming company for one year. Wind feels at home in PTSC and enjoys the challenges and empowerment that come with her position.
“I’m someone who often envisions the worst outcome when thinking about something. This is just the way that I think and trust my instincts. By thinking this way, it helps me to take care of problems first as I predict what could go wrong. This way of thinking is actually helps me keep a more positive and realistic way of looking at the world. Once we deal with the potential problems, things can go a lot more smoothly.” — Wind Huang
Sitting across from Wind Huang while drinking my cup of milk tea, I could tell that I really needed to stay on my toes. A fast talker, one of the first impressions you get from Wind is that she’s someone who knows what she wants, and she knows how to get what she wants as well. It’s easy to see why PTSC chose to reach out to her and bring her back to the company after her absence of about a year in 2019.
As a single mother, Wind is someone with strong conviction and she is able to set her priorities in order. Prior to joining what was then PSC, Wind devoted a majority of her time to parenting before 2015. Now with her daughter in high school, she’s able to spend more of her time at work, making an impact with the sales team. She lives life with a kind of “now-or-never” attitude that she has tried to pass on to her daughter’s upbringing.
“I remember before my father passed away, he wanted to go and see a boxing match with me. This was one of his hobbies. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to have this experience together because he passed away due to heart problems. It’s partly this experience that has helped me to live life and grab chances when I have them in the moment. If you don’t do it now, the opportunity may pass. When my daughter was a very young age, I remember talking to her and telling her that one day she was going to have to live life without me. I wouldn’t even be here on the Earth anymore. I want her to know and be prepared for the reality that will one day come. To me, this is not a pessimistic way of looking at life, but rather realistic. Anyway, she’s an optimistic girl….I don’t know where she gets that from.”
Besides her daughter, Wind has two dogs and one rabbit at home. When her daughter was 9 years old she asked her if she wanted a sibling or not, but they opted for furry friends instead. Regardless, Wind is someone who clearly cares for those around her and when she gives someone her time, her full attention is devoted to whomever she is talking to.
Throughout her time with PTSC, Wind has always focused her job in the area of sales, just with different departments. On her first run starting back in 2015, Wind was with the Sales Unit (SU) where she stayed until May, 2019 when she left the company to work with a gaming company called Gamania.
“Gamania had a very accessible and open company culture. There was a really lively atmosphere, they had good benefits, and there was even a common area where you could drink. Even though it was a relaxing place to work, it was almost too relaxing. I’m someone who needs a bit of a push and having a bit of pressure, but getting support at the same time. I feel like I have this type of feeling at PTSC.”
When she returned to PTSC in July, 2020, she said that it felt like she was returning home, although she made a slight switch in her job role. She changed over to the Strategic Product Unit (SPU) where she deals with clients focusing on Microsoft licensing, cloud service, gaming, and IDC hosting. She is someone who carries her clients’ wishes proudly with her wherever she goes, and she takes care to be thorough in all of her business conversations and professional development opportunities.
“PTSC is a company that gives me a stage and recognition. I have a chance to show myself on this stage, whether it is with clients or with the PTSC family. I’m doing what I want to do at PTSC, and the job comes with healthy challenges and just the right amount of pressure. Sometimes if you want to get something done, you have to treat your colleagues and supervisors as clients and persuade them with your ideas. I find this type of challenge exciting. I don’t know, many of my friends call me a 變態(freak), but it’s just part of who I am.”